All these tears

Inked Roses...

To be honest

i cry way too much.

But hey!

Have you seen this world?

Have you looked around lately?

with eyes wide open…

How would i not cry?

My tears used to be just that,

years ago, tears were always there, being what they are.

Pretty often, but still normal.

Then they turned into saltwater,

whatever i can get, i would say…

since i can’t go by the ocean,

these tears would have to do.

Crying became a need.

Now they taste like home,

my country, my city,

that mountain that surrounded all the memories made,

that ocean that healed me so well,

that house with my mother, my father, my brother,

they feel like the hands of my grandmothers on my cheeks.

Every day, more and more, these tears taste like


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